Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

Why we do weekly "Vision Wednesdays"

I've written about this in the past (On Bootstrapping and "Living in the Future"): As a bootstrapping startup, it can happen quite easily to live month-to-month and lose track of the bigger picture.

Additionally, with more people joining our team, Alex and I felt that we now have less time to discuss things. Where we used to discuss stuff in impromptu meetings at the desk, we now have to schedule a meeting room to talk about important things.

Vision Wednesday

To address the problems from above, Alex and I started to have one weekly session: "Vision Wednesday".

  • Every Wednesday, 10-11am (room is booked automatically)
  • Just Alex and I (the founders)
  • No agenda

Usually, we just sit down and talk about stuff that's on our minds. No Wardley Maps, no "brainstorming". It's more about having an hour where we can just talk about stuff that comes up.

And this has been really helpful. On a Vision Wednesday two weeks ago, we came up with an additional product offering that we have been working on since then. I will talk more about this in the near future.

Also, it was really important to have a set date for this. If you can push it away, it's too easy to miss every now and then. And if you follow my newsletter, you know how much I love consistency.

Could there be more?

1 hour a week doesn't sound like a lot, but it's enough for us to spark new ideas that are then formed in conversations with the rest of the team. For example, we discussed the idea I mentioned above during our Friday Weekly Review, and when everyone loved it, we started defining tasks.

I'm not a big fan of meetings (at Jovo, we don't have meetings except 1-on-1s and our Friday Review), this is why I think forcing ourselves to more "Vision Wednesdays" could be counterproductive. More on this in a later episode.

Do you have something like a Vision Wednesday?

- Jan


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