Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

What's a high concept pitch?

We very often have the problem that people like what we're doing with HashtagNow and that they see that this could have potential, but that it's pretty difficult for them to tell what we're doing in a sentence (which is bad, obviously). We always thought that's the curse of doing something new, like many things that seem so obvious after they become a success. But that's just an excuse for a crappy pitch.

Yesterday, we had a long conversation with someone, and in the last 15 minutes of 1.5 hours, something we said completely struck a chord with him and he kept telling us we really need to use this during our pitch: "We're like dpa for social networks."

A high concept pitch is telling your idea in a single sentence, like this:
  • Facebook for professionals
  • Tinder for dogs (yup, it's real)
  • AirBnB for cars
  • Uber for...
Some people dislike these kinds of pitches, because (of course) they'd rather be the next Uber than "just a knock-off." But a high concept pitch offers more than just a comparison, it provides context. dpa has thousands of reporters worldwide (whom they pay), that manually produce content when something happens. We have millions of social media users who share stuff instantly when they see something happening (for free). We use technology and some curation to add context. So this pitch not only kind of sparks some ideas what we're doing, it also shows one of our main advantages: that we need very very little editorial overhead to produce daily news.

Here's the slide:
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