Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

The best question to ask

I read this post last night, where Karen Wickre shares her “secrets” to a healthy personal and professional network. Although the stuff she mentions is nothing new (be helpful, connect people), it totally struck a chord with me, because the number one thing I love about Berlin is how helpful everyone is.

“How can I help you?” is something a lot of people ask here. It’s an amazing lifestyle of paying it forward by helping out and connecting interesting people, even if there's no instant gratification.

You can basically meet anyone here. Very often you need just a tweet or an introduction (which most people are willing to do). It's amazing how it accelerates a positive network of people helping each other out.

Don’t be selfish. Think “How can I help you?” first. And if I can help you in some way, please hit reply!
- Jan

Btw: I designed an alphabet book about networking 2 years ago. Have a look on Slideshare.

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