Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

A helpful companion, just a click away

In the last few weeks, we noticed quite some typos and misspellings in our hashtag explanations. We were looking for ways to discover them after publishing, so (as product people) a feature that checks for typos immediately came to mind (plus we could include something like a Flesch-Kincaid score to improve readability). Sounds cool, but takes time to develop. Fortunately, we discovered a handy Chrome extension called Grammarly that does the work for you.

I love how easy it is to install single-purpose extensions that help you with certain tasks. This is why I thought it might be a good idea to share my favorite ones with you:
  • SimilarWeb: Instantly find out traffic estimates and sources for a website
  • Ghostery: Track blocker to protect your privacy and keep your analytics data clean
  • Instapaper: Save articles for later reading
  • Buffer: Share articles to social media
  • Pushbullet: Exchange content between desktop and other devices
  • 1Password: Password manager
Btw, we're currently using an internal HashtagNow extension that allows us to add content to hashtags easily. We're also working on a public one. How would you feel about an extension that adds hashtag explanations to Twitter search results directly?

It could look something like this:
Any feedback or other extensions you like to use?
Enjoy your weekend!

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